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(in reverse chronological order)

EaP Monthly Bulletin # 6-8 (August-October 2020).

Eastern Partnership: Visegrad Four countries' policies paper summarising module 1 of the Advancing Reforms in Armenia with Visegrad Four’s Know-how project (in Armenian).

21 September CPS vice president Armen Grigoryan's article Armenia’s Demographic Situation: Short- and Longer-Term Trends in the Eurasia Daily Monitor.

EaP Monthly Bulletin # 4-5 (June-July 2020).

27 July CPS vice president Armen Grigoryan's article Armenia Adopts New National Security Strategy in the Eurasia Daily Monitor.

EaP Monthly Bulletin # 3 (May 2020).

Caucasus Analytical Digest No. 115 (May 2020), The COVID-19 Pandemic in the South Caucasus, featuring CPS vice president Armen Grigoryan's contribution on Armenia.

11 May CPS vice president Armen Grigoryan's article Amid COVID-19, Old and New Conspiracy Theories Multiply in Armenia in the Eurasia Daily Monitor.

EaP Monthly Bulletin # 2 (April 2020). In this issue: Disinformation and other tools of antidemocratic influence: an Armenian outlook in the EU and Eastern Partnership context.

EaP Monthly Bulletin # 1 (March 2020).

30 March CPS vice president Armen Grigoryan's article Armenian Government Stabilizes COVID-19 Cases, but Structural Risk Factors Remain in the Eurasia Daily Monitor.

16 March Eastern European Futures: Scenarios for the Eastern Partnership 2030 report developed by Visegrad Insight, the German Marshall Fund of the United States and analysts, journalists, policymakers, civic activists, digital community and business leaders from Central Europe and Eastern Partnership countries.

11 March CPS vice president Armen Grigoryan's analysis The origins and use of some propaganda techniques and conspiracy theories published by the Armenian Institute of International and Security Affairs.

12 February CPS vice president Armen Grigoryan's article Should revolution reach the Constitutional Court? Armenians will decide on April 5... at the Caspian, Caucasus and Black Sea news website.

5 February CPS vice president Armen Grigoryan's article A Year in Review: Armenian Government Hampered by Path Dependence in the Eurasia Daily Monitor.

21 January CPS vice president Armen Grigoryan's article Armenia's Post-Revolutionary Government Seeks to Speed up Reform in the Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst.

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