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The Centre for Policy Studies is an independent research and public policy institution


- promotion of democratic values, democratic political discourse and pluralism of opinion;
- strengthening of the rule of law, civic freedoms, citizens' rights and dignity;
- empowerment of civil society by development of knowledge and awareness, as well as stimulation of society's active involvement in policymaking;
- contributing to transparency of the work of state and municipal institutions, and organisations providing public services;
- studying domestic and regional political, economic, social, cultural and other issues, as well as relevant international experience, with the purpose to inform the society and to develop policy recommendations;
- contributing to economic reforms and sustainable development; supporting free market economy by means of awareness building, consulting and training;
- promoting Armenia's participation in regional and international cooperation, supporting establishing of stable peace;
- developing capabilities in the field of social sciences and promotion of international cooperation in this field, developing cooperation between Armenian and foreign experts;
- contributing to development of young professionals' knowledge and skills.


- research, monitoring, analysis and forecasting;
- elaboration of expert opinions on relevant issues and policy recommendations;
- activities aiming at prevention and resolution of conflicts;
- organising conferences, seminars, discussions, study courses and trainings;
- dissemination of research outcomes and expert assessments by means of publications, newsletters, briefings, etc.


- security issues;
- regional issues;
- conflicts and peacemaking;
- democratisation, transition and good governance;
- civil society;
- economy and business;
- monitoring of mass media.


Memorandum of Understanding on Academic and Educational cooperation between CPS and Caucasus International University (Tbilisi) was signed on 14 May 2024.

From 2024, CPS joined the Eastern European Network for Citizenship Education.

CPS is a member of the Network of Think Tanks on the EU’s Eastern Partnership launched in 2020 by the German Council of Foreign Relations (DGAP) with support of the European Commission.

CPS president Armen Grigoryan is a member of the advisory board of the Resilience in the South Caucasus: Prospects and Challenges of a New EU Foreign Policy Concept project implemented by the Institute of Slavic Languages and Caucasus Studies, Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

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119/1 Sero Khanzadyan St., Yerevan 0011, Armenia
phone + 374 93 821185, e-mail cps[at]centreforpolicystudies.org